Ecology Surveys
Ecological Assessment
Your local planning authority may have requested an Ecology Survey to support your development.
The starting point is usually a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) or a Preliminary Bat Roost Assessment. On completion of the preliminary assessment, further surveys and a licence may be required to support the planning application. Our experienced ecologists can provide advice and support to guide you through this process.
Habitat Regulations Assessment
Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) requirements involve land areas covered by the EU Habitats and Wild Birds Directive (e.g. Ramsar sites, SACs and SPAs). HRAs are required for plans or projects that potentially have a ‘likely significant effect’ on a European site.
The UK Government strongly encourage developers to consider possible habitat impacts from the earliest stages of preparing a proposal. The most efficient way to achieve this is to engage with regulators and other interested parties to design proposals to ensure they are compatible with habitat requirements.
Mortimer Environmental can provide ecologically sound and pragmatic advice on your project. We will liaise with regulators and other interested parties on your behalf, helping to avoid significant delays and additional costs.
Aerial Surveys & Assessment
Providing a professional, CAA registered pilot with an Operational Authorisation, we can survey a range of habitats and areas quickly and effectively. We offer aerial habitat surveys, nesting bird surveys, bat roost surveys, as well as bespoke services tailored to your requirements. Our pilot holds over 200 flying hours, and is fully insured and compliant with EC 785/2004 regulations. Get in contact today to see how we can utilise aerial photography for your project.

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