The Mortimer Team
Dr Alison Barnett MIEnvSc
Director of Operations
Alison has a PhD in animal behaviour and genetics and worked in academic research for 15 years before founding Mortimer Environmental in 2018. Alison is responsible for client liaison and operational management of the business, and brings significant project management experience to the team.
Dr Oliver Barnett CEnv MCIEEM
Director of Growth & Planning
Oliver has a PhD in ecological genetics and has worked for over 20 years as a consultant ecologist, previously leading one of the largest national teams of professional ecologists in the UK. Oliver leads on work winning as well as managing and promoting projects of all scales from local residential development to major infrastructure. He is co-convener of CIEEM’s Ecological Restoration & Habitat Creation Special Interest Group.
Richard Erskine ACIEEM
Senior Ecologist
Rich has a BSc in Animal Behaviour and Wildlife Conservation and is an Associate member of CIEEM. He has both a Level 1 Bat survey licence and Level 1 Great Crested Newt Survey Licence and participates a wide range of protected species surveys. He is an experienced Ecological Clerk of Works and leads on a growing portfolio of work in the West Midlands area.
Andrew Lewis PIEMA
Consultant Ecologist
Andrew has a BSc in Environmental Studies and is an Associate Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and a qualifying member of CIEEM. He has experience in undertaking bat and great crested newt surveys on various local and regional projects and is an experienced Ecological Clerk of Works.
Daniel Smyth
Graduate Ecologist
Dan has a degree in Environmental Biology and is a graduate member of CIEEM. He is experienced in providing Ecological Clerk of Works support on major infrastructure schemes and protected species surveys, including bats, badgers, great crested newts and otters.
Emma Hughes
Graduate Ecologist
Emma has a Masters degree in Applied Ecology and is a student member of CIEEM. She has experience in carrying out bat activity surveys and is looking forward to assisting the team and developing her ecological surveying skills.
Eva Stannard
Graduate Ecologist
Eva has a Diploma of Higher Education in Environmental Studies and is a student member of CIEEM. She has experience in a range of different bat survey types and is an active volunteer with the National Bat Monitoring Programme.
Charlotte Skinner
Seasonal Ecologist
Charlotte is a student member of CIEEM and assists the team as a seasonal ecologist while undertaking her Masters degree. She has experience in bat emergence surveys and badger surveys for small to medium developments.
Mark Page
Seasonal Ecologist
Mark is currently completing his degree in Environmental Conservation and Wildlife Management. He has a wide range of practical skills and experience in habitat management and is looking forward to supporting the team over the coming field season. He is a student member of CIEEM.
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