Happy clients, happy ecologists!

Happy clients = happy ecologists! We received this message from a church that was replacing a stained glass window close to bat roosts and access points. The church hosts several species of bats, including a maternity colony of Natterer’s bats. We were able to visit the site in a timely manner and talk with contractors, ensuring everyone was in compliance with protected species regulations before starting works. “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. Having been 12 years in trying to get funding for what was classed as urgent window work, and on getting the monies required we rather rushed in to getting it organised. Also the fact that the permissions came through just before Christmas and then on hearing that the contractor could start just a couple of weeks after I had contacted him it all became a bit rushed. Thanks to you for enabling us to start straight away which hopefully means that the work can be completed within your timescale and that as required by our faculty.”

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